“I am as supple as a tiger cub in its mother’s mouth.” This sentence. This love.

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🐅 👩‍👦 📖 ❤️. If your eyes are as bad as mine, I want you to know that is a "tiger" "mom and son" "book" and "heart". I think it is a son, anyway. I've been practicing my emojis.

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I see a horse and a salt shaker.🤣 Funny you mention emojis. You commented yesterday somewhere about feeling like you were running Taylor Swift’s fan club. I was going to recommend you start using the art of the emoji. Guess you heard me!

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What a scene, Adam. And I don't mean Ali Baba's cave of treasures though I remember them well from my own childhood, esp. the trick of the thieves in the jars and the wife's boiling oil. But the scene on the bed with your mother, it's magical, and living on in this story.

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I do hope so. Looking forward to 4:30 EST. 😀

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I’m not sure that the power of story itself has ever been so perfectly expressed

The tenderness in the blank spaces here is dreamy and precious

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Heard. Thank you, Chloe. ❤️🙏

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"I look directly at my mother, and she looks directly at me."

I could only wish upon a star for a story-time like this as a child.

Your telling grabbed me up into a whirlwind of child-feelings from so very long ago: Scheherazade... oh! Ali Baba made me shiver with excitement and fear and took me places...but I traveled alone.

I have a copy of Arabian Knights that my father won in a high-school debate---now my treasure... but oh, back when I was 5... I wish, I wish, I wish...

Your treasure, that kind of magic with your mom...with you forever and ever.

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Thank you, Toni. What a surprising and wonderful gift for a school debate. Words were clearly important in both of our households.

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In my mind I am sitting on the bed in New Harbor reading your memory ..I always loved hearing Gail read aloud. Our friendship was tumultuous but the good memories rise more and more with time. Thank you for sharing your excellent writing.💕

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❤️ It was tumultuous and she loved you dearly. She was a complicated cat. 🐅 😀 There is a LOT of Maine coming here. You are ahead of everyone.

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This is perfect. Wow. I've never wanted to read a part 2 more...

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I wrote this piece so that my children would understand my first family (and how it connects to them). There's a lot about where the love of writing comes from. Hopefully, that will resonate with so many of us here that are in the same trenches, each coming to this from their own path. Thanks for the deep compliment. 🙏❤️

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Wow, the way you weave between the stories seamlessly, carrying us along is just remarkable.

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So beautiful and evocation of your mother, of a “storybook summit,” that so many of us yearn for. Here’s to more tales unspooling, more “vessels of cunning” and “starlit treasure” along the path. Thank you.

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An honor. Thank you. 🙏

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Enchanting, Adam. I loved this.

"Geological pile of blankets" is a wondrous description.

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Thank you, Nathan. 🙏

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Nov 4, 2023
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"We take the jet's tail out of the sky

And tie a box of tiger's eye

Come back Aladdin, come back please

Forgive, forgive the forty thieves."

(I had to hunt for it, but hunt I did.)

Who's the band? Beautiful lyrics.

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