Oof - this is raw and agonizing, Adam - you did it for 10ish years, I think you said, but I wonder if you ever had a mentor that you could have talked to about your feelings? Emphasizing that I know NOTHING about the field of acting (despite my sparkling grade school resume) it sounds like a wicked case of stage fright in a lot of ways, or at least some sort of stage shame. Thanks for sharing.

Never saw Parting Glances, I was a deeply closeted high schooler at the time, it would have been too much for me.

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I am less familiar with your acting than I am with your writing (something I will change because Parting Glances is a must-see film for me) but I certainly hope that shame doesn't await you in the wings of your writing desk. And if it does, allow me to extinguish it. You are such a gifted storyteller. I am immersed so deeply into your world every time you publish an essay and am grateful for your voice. Keep telling your story - the ugly, the beautiful - I'm here for it all.

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This is very kind. Thank you.

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Bloody hell, Adam... Who knew it was possibly to go from urgently needing to climb out of my own skin to smugly slow clapping at my computer screen, so quickly.

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Feeling that smug slow clap on my second read! The first read I felt like a bandaid was ripped off. So raw, so vulnerable. I ran for soft gauze to hide! Glad I came back though, I love how you ended it with a pat on the back. A standing tall, a “good for you Adam”... because yes, good good for you. Life lived!

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Life lived.

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Next time video. 👏💻

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