🙏 Winter 2023 “Share Drive”
The quarterly round up of essays and fiction. A box of secrets, a birthday well spent, a childhood in Italy, evenings alone in a Maine summer house and time as a young actor on a film set.
My quarterly “share drive.” Please visit (or revisit) these posts from October - December, and if there was one essay that was special share it with your communities and networks. A link and a thoughtful word from you brings people here and connects all three parties.
This was a great quarter for subscriptions. I’m deeply grateful to all of you that have shared my work, liked and commented on the pieces and “restacked” me. The confirmation of an audience for my writing and the growth over the last few months has been wonderful. 🙏
40 states 🗽🇺🇸 and 38 countries 🇫🇷 🇬🇧 🇦🇺 🇮🇹 now. That’s very special.
Reception to “A Box of Rain” my participation in ’s Same Walk, Different Shoes project was warmly received and deeply gratifying to write. I’m encouraged to write more fiction in the months to come. Here, the story of a woman who makes a startling discovery cleaning up her childhood home after the death of her father.
This simple description of a birthday well spent resonated.
The core of the fall essays have been related to the memoir of my first family. I’ve progressively gathered them here. There are only a few Arabian Nights to go now.
👉II - My Father might be the most personally meaningful essay I’ve ever written. The last two paragraphs of 📸IX - Ephemera are practically a mission statement. ♒️XI - The Aquarian a reflection on my mother that struck a chord.
This feels like ages ago now, but here are the bundled essays about my childhood in 🇮🇹Bergamo, Italy confronted with the bitter end of my parent’s marriage, a strange new world, my mother’s illness, and life seen through the eyes of a 7-year-old.
From a bet with fraternity mates about getting into the 🎥 movies to a breakthrough role in Parting Glances, here are the collected essays to date about a surprise, but difficult acting career.
I care deeply about the evil of long-term solitary confinement and what it does to everyone involved. This is a small area where I’ve been able to make a difference through correspondence with men in long-term solitary confinement.