Dear Lor of the Unknown Last Name and the Friendly Pup Profile Photo,
Happy Birthday.
Call this a Substack Favorite Reader Surprise Party. Six of your most loyal Substack writers have pulled together a few thoughts to share with you. No comments required, of course. You can take this all in privately.
That’s complete rubbish.
It’s business as usual, Lor. Up and at it. You’ll break our hearts if you don’t put something wonderful in the comments.
“When writers talk about the joy of connecting with their readers, it’s readers like you that they have in mind, Lor. You should know that we - and there are a lot of us out here - read your clockwork comments like we’re unwrapping small presents. The snippets of quotes that prove you get it, your intelligent enthusiasm, the fanciful play of our work filtered through your own rich imagination - your words carry the same secret pleasure as feeling a stranger’s hand taking one’s pulse.”
– Adam Nathan
“Lor is every writer’s dream. She reflects the best parts of our work back with such insight and heart that you always know she’s felt the words beneath the words. Her presence makes writing feel less like sending a flare into the dark and more like sending a letter to a loved one—which she most certainly is. Her comments reveal that she herself has more than a passing talent for the craft, and I am braced for the day she comes and puts us all to shame.”
“While Lor would prefer to be a wallflower in this Substack community, unfortunately she is too stunning to ignore. Is she for real? Sometimes I must pinch myself. We need to do a Banksy-esque documentary on her someday—this anonymous (other than sweet Ranger's face) human who once upon a time decided to enter Substack and paint insight, dedication, wisdom, camaraderie and love all over those fortunate souls she's chosen to read. Her presence is stupefying, her heart life-changing.”
“THE COMMENTS OF LOR” — fully capitalized and given their proper nobility — are priceless, especially for a new writer like me. Some of her Comments are seeds, some are sunlight, some provide watering, some are cross pollinators, some are for one flower alone, always thoughtful, always connecting, always reaching out... they always feel like thinking of someone you care about while they are thinking of you too.”
“You are one of those rare, radiant souls who illuminates the paths of others with unequivocal generosity of words and self. Your light shines like gentle beams of light, that touch my heart and kindle a warmth that reflects the beauty of the world we both so cherish. Thank you for your friendship, your never-ending support and love.”
"Lor, whenever I send out a new post, I sit there, waiting and wondering what my "post metric" will say (and yes, one day there will be a badge!), and it's a constant smile-inducing experience to read your words. You offer so much in your comments. You are so generous with your words. I feel honoured to have you as a reader.”
From all of your Substack friends here and elsewhere that are privileged to have you as a reader, Happy Birthday – and thank you.
After reading through for the fifth time, face wiped clean of crumbs and frosting , I stepped outside on this first chilly morning at the lake.( I was about to add that all of your words lay softly around me like a warm fleece blanket, and I had no need for a coat, but that’s not true, down coat and hat). Dense fog slowly lifting in smokey curls, exposing misty blue gray waters vibrating with frothy white caps, hillsides draped in fiery reds, jeweled crimsons, sunflower (Sparkle-ing) golds and pumpkin orange, offset by deep emerald pines.
I breathe in the cold of the morning, lungs expanding, heart stretched wide with joy, making room for every last beautiful word. And wearing a huge smile that will last the entire day.
Adam , this is just a crazy, embarrassing and a wonderful honor. I can raise my hand and say, I received the most outrageously incredible birthday party. And you all showed up dressed in your best words. Suddenly I am not anonymous any more. I, I feel, exposed.
Since none of you are ‘just’ readers like me, I will tell what it is like to experience, you. I only read a select few in the world of Substack, and since I have excellent taste, each of you excel above and beyond this platform. I have a small window into your special rooms that are dear to you, where your craft lives. I can see you sitting in your favorite chairs, sometimes studying, doing the research, sometimes sitting with eyes closed waiting for the words to come , I can see when they do. I can feel your mood , always. I watch as you read and re-read , then finally, a finger hesitates, then presses send. And your glorious words; stories, prose and poems land at my door. Special delivery! as I figuratively race to my mailbox, greedily open the page and dive in.
I laugh with you, cry, grimace, delight, wonder, wander, walk with you across a cherished hill on a well-trodden path, sit in the back seat (not that I always trust your driving, sometimes I’m white knuckled back there), sing with you ( totally off tune), blast into space, dive into the sea , communicate with whales, delve into dark places, carefully explore different worlds, run away from porcelain cats, black sharp edged, shining rocks, on my knees watching gut wrenching truths play out turning into lost tales in turbulent waters, hanging on with one hand, taking to the air with her beating wings and heart, get high with you (no,no, legal in Vermont, but no) learn from you, nothing is mere coincidence, And always, always each of you deliver. You deliver your heart.
A birthday gift beyond measure, you have all refreshed my soul. I feel so full of life I’m going on an adventure today, swinging from tree branches, fly with the leaves, hop boulders, eat cake again. And that is just the plan for this morning.
Like all seasoned adventurers, normally I’d invite you along, but my pack would be too heavy and I am not sharing cake .
Today, I travel across an ocean, to France, the UK, Australia, then cross country to Oregon, and on down towards the city. One of you, I’m 11.11% sure of where you live, so I am sending a hug. And a shout out to the guy in Sweden walking deep in the woods with ‘the dog’.
Sending hugs and thank you to all of you. ‘See’ you soon, in my next, way too long comment.
Ummm 💧🦗🦗💦🦗💦
Give me a minute💧💧
need cake
a cold wash cloth on my face💧💦
I’ll be back 🥹🙈